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Tennis Elbow? But I’ve never played tennis!

The elbow is the joint that, in simple terms, allows us to bring things towards us or to take them away from us. However, it is in the elbow that the important muscles of gripping and some important fine dexterity hand movements attach. Therefore, depending on our daily activities, occupation and hobbies, whether they require […]

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Dry needling to improve hamstring muscle flexibility in athletes

Hamstring muscle flexibility is important because it optimizes musculoskeletal function and may prevent injury to the muscle. The most common way of improving muscle flexibility is through stretching, which has been shown to bring about viscoelastic and neurophysiological changes in the muscle. In the clinical setting, acupuncture is routinely used to treat myofascial trigger points, […]

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Benefits of Kinesiotape for Sub acromial impingement

The shoulder is a true engineering masterpiece, which allows significant range of movement along with the possibility of high speed, which is very demanding to accomplish if we think of the stability required to combine these two factors. Thus, the shoulder movement is the result of a combination of 4 (some people defend 5) joints […]

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